Projects from my time at Wantering Fashion (2017 to 2018)
Projects from my time at Ocasta Studios (2014 to 2016)
Electricomics Generator
Electricomics Web Reader
Electricomics Featured Comics
I developed the code and animations of four featured digital web comics, which were the foundations of the JavaScript libraries used by all the other comics created with the Generator.
I used JavaScript, CSS and HTML.
The source code is not available to download, but it's possible to see the comics installing the iPad app.
Projects for Left Logic
Various work and personal projects (2011 to 2013).
Laser Game
Collaborative Code Editor
Watson Associates
CSS3 Spinner
Treasure Hunt
My Sass Library
My personal Sass mixins library, built with the purpose to learn Sass better and to speed up the development of stylesheets.
TinyMCE Snippet plugin
Plugin for TinyMCE that lets you create a custom button or dropdown menu for inserting personalized snippets of text or code from an external source (like json) into the editor.
Geolocation and Flickr
A jQuery plugin to geolocate the user and find Flickr photos taken nearby.
Remove selected option
Purpose of this jQuery plugin is to remove an already choosen option from the other <select> boxes. It is possible to decide which value is considered default (and therefore will not be deleted) in the script options.
Change color to select
Purpose of this jQuery plugin is to give a visual feedback to <select> boxes with no option selected. It is possible to decide which value is considered default in the script options.
Show more/less in pure CSS3
Show more/less text in pure CSS3 using the :checked pseudo-class.
My personal cv
My personal CV, created with HTML5 Boilerplate as the base template, Selectivizr for old IEs CSS3 support and hCard microformat for a little bit of semantic.
This portfolio
Created with HTML5 Boilerplate as the base template, Selectivizr for old IEs CSS3 support and hCard microformat for a little bit of semantic.
Google Analytics Report
Creates report in excel from Google Analytics statistic.
Little ideas and projects I've made in my spare time (from 2006 to 2010).
CSS3 GooGoo Menu
This one started as a simple page of Goo Goo Dolls lyrics for my personal use, then I tried to implement some CSS3 features, like the :target selector, then one thing leads to another and at the end I made a css-only hover menu with different effect for the two halfs of the voices.
This work led me to knowledge some webkit bugs, like the lack of support for general sibling and hover combination (more info), and to a little trick to partialy solve this problem (setting a hover selector for the parent element). -
A javascript, CSS and HTML5 implementation of the crossword game.
The purpose is to allow people without any web knowledge to build their web version of an already existing crossword. -
Manor v1.0
This is a tool I made in 2006, developed for an Italian community of Lineage2 (a famous MMORPG).
The purpose was hrlping with the rewards counts, a function missing in the game interface.
The target was young people (15-30 years old) with a great range of computer knowledge, therefore it was essential the correct working under IE.
I chose to use html and javascript to allow users to keep a offline version of the tool. -
Manor v2.0
The same tool, redeveloped 4 years later, using jQuery to manipulate the DOM and some CSS3 selectors to avoide a redundant use of classes.