Collaborative editor

General info

External libraries in use:

JSHint [website]

Acorn [website]

Tern [website] - modified

CodeMirror [website]

ShareJS [website] - version 0.6

User guide

Inner functionalities


Search / Replace

Primitive search/replace functionality. It looks through the whole file without any scope/closure distinction.

Ctrl-F Start searching

Ctrl-G Find next / Shift-Ctrl-G Find previous

Shift-Ctrl-F Replace
Shift-Ctrl-R Replace all

Toggle comment on the selected lines.

Custom-built functionalities

Jump to definition Alt-.

Go to the position where context variable/function is defined.

Jump back Alt-,

Brings you back to last place you were when you pressed Alt-..

Autocomplete Ctrl-Space

Show completions for current context (variables, properties, functions) for javascript and the Storm library.

Function argument hints

Click inside function call to see its arguments list.

Info Ctrl-I

Display informations (type, documentation, arguments, etc) about the expression under the cursor.

Rename Refactoring Alt-Q

Marks context object occurrences and allows to rename them.