
How to Install WordPress With Ssh

To avoid a waste of time downloading, unzipping and uploading the WordPress files, I used this method to install it through ssh on my 1&1 hosting (the $ symbol is just to show that it’s a console command, there’s no need to digit it):

  1. Connect to your server via ssh

     ssh yourusername@yourserver
  2. Insert password when requested

  3. Once connected, download the latest version of WordPress

     $ wget
  4. Unarchive the downloaded file, where the parameter x is for extract, z is for the gzip format used and f is to specify from which file

     $ tar -zxf lastest.tar.gz
  5. Rename the created wordpress folder to the desired one

     $ mv wordpress/ blog/
  6. Follow the Famous 5-Minute Install skipping point 1 and 5, while for the point 3 and 4 work directly on the server. The file can be renamed through ssh

     $ mv wp-config-sample.php wp-config.php

    and edited using any console editor the server has installed, such as nano or vim.